3 Benefits of White Space for Product Label Design

White space is more than just of the area between design elements on your label – in fact it’s full of design possibilities. Using a color, texture, or pattern to balance elements or create a visual hierarchy can completely change the way people perceive your packaging. Whether you want to embrace minimalism or just need to space out certain aspects of your design, here are three reasons why you should consider embracing white space for your product labels.

White Space Improves Legibility

Whether you have a little or a lot of text on your label, those words need to stand out. Your labels need to intrigue and educate customers at first glance, so illegible text is a serious problem. As such, it’s a good idea to give your words some breathing room.

Crowded words make for a muddled message. Adding some white space between text and other design elements can make your label easier to read. In fact, a study conducted at Wichita State University confirmed that increasing white space improves reading comprehension. Even a little extra space between your copy and other elements can help define key brand messages, product info, and other crucial statements.

A spirits bottle that used white space in its label design.

White Space Attracts Attention to Key Design Elements

Do you have something really cool on your label and want to make sure people notice it? Don’t put anything next to it.

Whether you want to showcase your logo or a key message, white space is a great way to attract eyes to specific parts of your label design. A wall of images, text, and other details forces people to digest a lot of information in a short amount of time, which may mean certain aspects of your design will go unnoticed (or ignored). By giving your users a clean palate, their attention will naturally gravitate to your design element of choice.

White Space Communicates Value

If you want your label to set a certain tone, sometimes less is more. In fact, the right use of white space may even make your product seem like its worth more.

In addition to helping you attract attention to key details, white space inherently communicates a sense of balance, freshness, and elegance for your product. Those qualities are quite attractive for buyers, to the point of where the Interactive Design Foundation suggests that “using white space can suggest a company’s budget and thus the quality of the product.” In turn, that white space can increase the perceived value of your products.

Specialty food labels with white space that clearly calls out the brand and product name.

Find the Right Printer for Your Product Labels

There are several different design approaches you can take for your business. Regardless of if you opted for a lot of white space or small touches to improve legibility, it’s important to make sure the printed label lives up to your expectations.

At Blue Label, we work with you to help you get the most out of your label design. From material selection to highlighting printing capabilities to enhance your design, our experts can help you invest in the best, most cost-effective labels to help you showcase your products. Contact us today about your next label project.

Protect your Label: The Different Types of Label Varnishes

A beautiful new label is the beacon your products need to showcase your brand and convince buyers to try your goods. Unfortunately, a damaged label can undo all the hard work you put into your packaging design. Thankfully, there are solutions like label varnishes to help you protect your investment.

As with lamination, there are multiple label varnishes available to not only help you protect your label as well as enhance your design. Each type of varnish can help you defend your label from scuffs, scratches, water damage, fading, and other threats, all while contributing to your preferred aesthetic.

Labels with a UV varnish.

Breaking Down Each Type of Label Varnish

While label lamination utilizes a layer of film to protect your label, varnishes operate a bit differently. Label varnishes are liquids that are rolled onto a label and then cured or dried so that the varnish adheres to the label materials’s surface. This method makes varnishes a good option for paper labels because the liquid can conform to the texture of the paper and fill in any nooks and crannies.

Like laminates, there are a few different types of label varnishes that differ based on the application process or their final appearance.

  • UV coating
  • Aqueous coatings
  • Gloss, satin, and soft-touch varnishes

UV coating

As the name suggests, UV coatings use ultraviolet light to cure a liquid coating made of a special mix of chemicals. Once it’s cured, the UV varnish essentially bakes onto your label material to create a protective coating. This newly cured shield basically acts as a permanent sunscreen, preventing your design from fading over time and other factors that can damage your label.

Aqueous coating

Like a UV coating, aqueous coatings use a special solution to protect your label. However, you don’t need UV light to cure aqueous varnishes. These solutions are a clear, water-based varnish that quickly air dry to seal off your label materials from potential danger.

Gloss, satin, and soft-touch varnishes

While UV and aqueous coatings differ in terms of the process used to cure them, gloss, sating, and soft-touch varnishes denote the finishing effect a coating has on your label. Gloss varnishes create a smooth, shiny look for your labels once applied. Satin varnishes – known as “matte” for laminates – cut out most of the shine to create a flat look that makes other design elements pop. Soft-touch varnishes not only look soft, they can even add a soft textural element to your labels as well.

Paper beer labels protected with a label varnish.

Protect and Enhance Your Labels with the Right Varnishes

No matter what type of product you sell, it’s well worth the investment to protect your labels. Scuffs and scrapes can happen to any product label, and once that ink comes off your label there’s not much you can do. Varnishes and laminates offer both protection and aesthetic improvements – it’s just a matter of finding the right one for your needs.

Fortunately, you don’t need to find and apply your own varnishes. At Blue Label, we can guide you through every step of the label process, including applying varnishes or laminates to protect and enhance your designs. In fact, we can even add a varnish on top of a laminate to highlight specific design elements. Every label is different, so we work with you to figure out the best ways to showcase your products.

Ready to invest in eye-catching labels built for success? Contact us today about printing your next batch of product labels.

Pick Your Protection: The Different Types of Label Lamination

A good label allows your products to make a great first introduction to potential customers. However, scuffs, scratches, and other forms of damage can mangle your message without protection.

Label lamination allows you to add a protective film to the surface of your label. Once your label is printed, lamination serves as a second skin of sorts that shields your design from scratches and provides some waterproofing for your base material. However, these laminates can offer additional benefits depending on which type of lamination you use.

New labels going through the lamination process.

Breaking Down Each Type of Label Lamination

While laminates in general offer protective capabilities, certain types of lamination can add decorative effects to your label. This variety allows you to pick and choose different label laminates depending on your desired aesthetic. Other laminates can also change the feel of your label or provide certain capabilities not offered by other protection. In general, laminates are broken down into five types.

  • Gloss
  • Matte
  • Soft touch
  • Leather
  • Thermal transfer


If you want your labels to shine, you’re going to like gloss laminates. These laminates reflect light off your label to add a smooth, glossy look that makes your design pop for passing customers.


If shiny isn’t your thing, a matte laminate creates a more subtle appearance for your labels. A matte finish dulls down your label surface so that it doesn’t shine much at all – but this means your label will be far from dull. These laminates can create a soft, subtle look that allows certain elements and colors appear deeper and brighter in contrast to the matte finish.

Soft touch

While matte finishes can make your labels look soft to the touch, other laminates can create a velvet-like, matte finish. Soft touch laminates add a tactile quality to your labels that consumers can feel. Research shows that the feel of a product can help sway buyers, which means that soft touch laminates can be a difference maker if you want that velvety aesthetic.


If you like the rugged, textured look of a paper label material but want the performance capabilities of a film, leather laminates help you achieve the best of both worlds. Leather laminates allow you to recreate weathered, wrinkled effect on film labels. This type of laminate works best on dark colors that allow you to highlight the texture of your label, all without the fuss of having to flood paper labels with ink or deal with potential durability issues.

A closeup of a leather label laminate.

Thermal transfer

Unlike other types of laminates, thermal transfer finishes are chosen more for what you plan to print on your labels in the future. These laminates allow you to use thermal printers to print on top of your labels whereas other lamination may prevent the ink from sticking. For example, a deli with a branded label may want to print the weight and price for each order on its labels. Thermal transfer laminates allow these types of businesses to do so, all while adding a gloss, matte, or some other type of look to their labels.

Invest in the Right Protective Film for Your Labels

Product labels come in so many different styles. No matter which aesthetic you prefer, it’s important to protect your label design from harm. To do so, you’ll need to figure out which form of protective film is best for your needs, whether it’s a laminate or some other option.

Label laminates typically adhere to film material better than paper, while varnishes conform to the nooks and crannies that can be found in paper materials. You can also add a varnish on top of a label laminate to really make certain design elements pop. There are so many possibilities to amp up your design and protect your label that it can be a bit overwhelming without some guidance.

Fortunately, a good lamination packaging company can help you weigh your options. At Blue Label, we work with you to identify the right details for your design, including label material selection and protection. Contact us today to invest in the right labels for your business.

3 Key Considerations for Compelling, Cost-Effective Cannabis Labels

The medical and recreational cannabis industry is booming, which means more cannabis products are showing up in stores and online. Of course, this means that you have more competition, which makes quality, eye-catching labels a high priority.

There are plenty of legal considerations for cannabis labeling, but it’s also important to weigh different printing options as well. Certain printing or finishing capabilities can help you capture the right look and feel for your products, so make sure you consider the following factors when it’s time to order custom labels for your medical or recreational cannabis products.

Label Material and Finish Options

Depending on your printer, you probably have several potential materials you could use for your label products. Of course, it’s hard to know the exact pros and cons of each label material without some extensive printing experience. When it comes to figuring out which material is right for your label, you’ll want to weigh a few factors:

  • What type of aesthetic are you trying to achieve?
  • What are the performance needs of your product?
  • What’s in your budget?

There are many different types of materials that can each create a different vibe for your label. If you want to emphasize the medical nature of your cannabis product, you might opt for a very professional glossy film laminate. If you want to embrace the natural aspect of cannabis, a natural-looking kraft paper material might be best.

Of course, the aesthetic is just one area of concern. Adhesive options, environmental hazards, and other factors can all help a printing company narrow down which label material is best for your needs and budget. On top of that, a good printing company can help you enhance and protect your designs through means like hot foil stamping or label lamination. Each capability offers a special benefit, so it’s good to find a capable printing company that can guide you through the selection process.

A professional measuring out a label for cannabis products.

Sizing and Dimension Concerns

Containers for cannabis products come in all shapes and sizes. That means your cannabis labels must do so as well.

It’s important to consider exactly how the sizing and dimensions of your cannabis container plays into the design of your label. For example, a small cannabis oil bottle only offers a few inches of label space. This will greatly impact the way you choose to design your label since the legally-required information will require you to balance design and compliance.

Custom label shapes are another consideration for sizing. Sometimes the dimensions of your container will require some creativity, but even standard boxes, pouches, or other packaging options can benefit from a custom shape that adds some originality to your brand. A good label printing company can work with you to weigh your sizing options and provide the tools to help ensure what you order is right for the dimensions of your container.

Product Variety and Turnaround Times

Change is inevitable, especially when it comes to cannabis legislation. When a change in regulations forces you to update your product labels, you can’t settle for long turnarounds. In addition, the shifting nature of packaging compliance can also make it difficult to commit to large orders of individual product labels. Fortunately, digital printing technology can help protect you from future surprises.

Variable data printing allows you to customize aspects of your labels in a way that allows you to use one design version for multiple SKUs. Not only does this allow you to diversify label art and keep track of products with serialized barcodes, it also makes it easy to batch multiple product labels into a single printing project.

Even if you don’t opt for variable printing, digital printing offers other key advantages that shorten turnaround times. For example, digital printing doesn’t require the lengthy setup process associated with more traditional printing methods. Instead, a print-ready PDF file with your design is all it takes to get the job in motion, which means earlier access to press proofs and final prints without having to pay a premium for quicker turnarounds.

Cannabis labels being digitally printed.

Find the Right Digital Printing Company for Your Cannabis Labels

Whether you make edibles, oils, or any other type of cannabis product, your labels needs to make an impression. Blue Label Packaging Company has the experience and technology it takes to provide your business with eye-catching labels within three-to-five days once your design is approved. Contact us today about how we can make the perfect labels for your cannabis products.

Minimalist Design Trends for Product Labels

The minimalist movement is making its way into label design as more brands are forgoing flashy and opting for simple. You’ve surely heard the phrase, “less is more,” which can be especially true when it comes to the design of your product and bottle labels.

A minimalist’s mantra is to remove the unnecessary. In an era of information overload, brands are realizing that customers appreciate minimal labeling. It’s an effective trend that works because of its simplicity. (more…)

From Screen to Product Packaging: How to Make Sure a Label Design will Work in Print

A great label design may look great on a screen, but it won’t mean much if it doesn’t look good in print. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to make sure that your design translates to print. Here are some important product packaging design considerations to keep in mind when creating a design for a product label.

6 Bottle Label Printing Trends for 2018

Bottles come in all shapes and sizes, from the classic beer bottle to the much smaller containers for vape juice. Regardless of size or industry, custom bottle labels play a key part in making sure that people take note of the bottle and its contents, which is why companies are always trying to find new ways to attract consumers. Here are six of the more intriguing bottle label printing trends for 2018.

Selecting a Substrate

Selecting a substrate (or face stock) for your product label may not be as simple as you think. There are thousands of combinations of face stocks and adhesives out there and choosing the right one could be critical to your label’s performance. Here are a few things you need to consider before ordering your labels: application, performance, aesthetic and cost. Listed below are some questions that should help you decide what substrate you need to get the most out of your label. (more…)