3 Big Cannabis Label Design Trends in 2018

Labeling for the cannabis industry can be difficult. Marketing marijuana and marijuana-infused products is a tricky balancing act that forces you to consider both the legal requirements for cannabis packaging as well as your business’s brand. There’s also plenty of competition in an industry that’s growing fast.

A great label plays a big role in making sure that your products succeed. If you’re trying to make your cannabis labels stand out, we’ve identified three growing design trends that can give you the inspiration you need.

Important Considerations for Cannabis Labels

A good cannabis label helps you sell your products, whether you provide oils, edibles, or any other cannabis-related goods. However, you just can’t slap any old label to a container and expect it to work.

Both your customers and the law have expectations for your cannabis labels, so you’ll need to consider both legality and presentation before you send them out to the masses. Here are some considerations to think about.
