How to Choose a Craft Beer Label Printing Company in 2024

Finding the perfect labels for your craft beer can be challenging. With so many printing companies to choose from, it can be difficult to identify one that truly understands your unique durability, design, and customization needs. We’ve worked with thousands of breweries and craft beer makers in your position.

Don’t sweat it. This guide is packed with tips to help you identify a printing partner who gets your brand and makes your beer stand out.

We’re covering the essentials: understanding materials and techniques, how to weigh costs, figuring out order sizes, and making sure your labels stay compliant. Plus, you’ll get a cheat sheet of questions to ask printers, making your decision-making process a whole lot smoother.

Cans with custom labels

Understanding Your Custom Beer Label Needs

Successfully choosing a printing partner starts with identifying your goals. Consider the following:

Identifying Your Goals

Start with the end in mind—your goals will likely include brand recognition, cost efficiency, durability, legal compliance, and customer engagement. These will help potential partners understand how to strategically design custom labels aligning to your specific needs. Here are some tips:

  • Brand Recognition: Share style inspirations or designs to collect feedback.
  • Cost Efficiency: Provide expected order volumes for advice on printing options that match your budget.
  • Durability: List product varieties like beers, seltzers, and ciders that require durable wet labels. Communicate the different environments that your product might have to endure.
  • Legal Compliance: Specify label content needs like government warnings supporting industry compliance (tip: we can help with this).
  • Customer Engagement: Discuss target demographics and labeling ideas to captivate them.

Decide What’s Most Important

Like any major business decision, it’s important to determine what matters most, whether it’s exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, the ability to create standout labels, conveying your brand story, eco-conscious materials, or a combination of those.

  • Standout Label Designs: Will custom shapes, special effects like foils or specialty printing techniques be featured? Determine must-have aesthetics.
  • Storytelling Through Labels: What brand narratives do your labels need to convey? Share themes inspiring designs.
  • Eco-conscious Practices: Do you require sustainable printing methods and materials? Ask about green production options.
  • Customer Service: How important is an expert team available for technical support? Assess level of involvement expected.
  • Printing Cost Factors: Will you print high volumes for cost efficiency or need flexibility for small batch prototyping? Request rate breakdowns.

Comparing capabilities in key areas helps identify ideal printing partners matching must-haves. Weigh whether you will compromise on certain preferences if strengths align well in other dimensions.

Custom bottle label with metallic foil and embossing

Key Considerations in Choosing a Craft Beer Label Printing Company

Choosing the Right Materials

When assessing the quality and materials capabilities of a printing partner, breweries should evaluate factors like durability, material options, and print quality.

The choice of material for your craft beer labels plays a significant role in their overall look, feel, and durability. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Water-Resistant Materials: Given the conditions that craft beer bottles and cans are often subjected to, from ice buckets to refrigerators, selecting water-resistant materials is crucial. Options like BOPP (biaxially oriented polypropylene) and vinyl offer excellent moisture resistance, ensuring your labels remain intact and visually appealing, no matter the environment​​.
  • Durability Against Moisture and Cold: It’s not just about water resistance; the material should also withstand cold temperatures without losing its integrity. Materials that can endure these conditions without peeling off or getting damaged are vital for maintaining a pristine look from the brewery to the consumer’s hand​​.
  • Aesthetic and Texture Options: Beyond durability, the material of your label affects its aesthetic appeal. Matte, gloss, and satin finishes can dramatically alter the look and feel of your labels. Each finish has its own way of interacting with light and can complement the design of your label to make colors pop or provide a sophisticated understated look.
  • Eco-friendly Options: With a growing emphasis on sustainability in the craft beer industry, considering eco-friendly label materials can resonate with your target audience’s values. Materials like recycled paper or biodegradable films can significantly reduce your brand’s environmental footprint while maintaining high-quality aesthetics.

Label Sizes and Shapes

Standard label sizes and shapes have evolved, largely influenced by the industry’s most common container types and sizes. For example, a typical beer bottle label might measure around 3.5 inches wide by 4 inches high, offering ample space for branding, artwork, and necessary information without overwhelming the container​​. Similarly, can labels often wrap entirely around the vessel, providing a 360-degree canvas for design creativity and brand messaging.

However, the “standard” is not one-size-fits-all. Different bottle and can dimensions, such as slim cans or larger bomber bottles, require tailored label sizes to ensure a perfect fit. The key is understanding the dimensions of your specific containers and how much of that space you want your label to cover.

Going Beyond Standard Options: The Case for Customization

While standard labels serve many brands well, the craft beer industry thrives on uniqueness and personality. Custom labels—those that break the mold in terms of size, shape, and application—are becoming increasingly popular for craft brewers looking to differentiate their offerings.

  • Embracing Unique Shapes: Custom-shaped labels can mirror the contours of unusual bottle or can designs, create visual interest, and enhance shelf appeal. From sleek, minimalist labels that hint at the contents to intricate, die-cut shapes that tell a story, the possibilities are limited only by imagination.
  • Considering Wraparound Labels: For cans, a full wraparound label maximizes the available design space, allowing for bold, engaging visuals that attract attention from every angle. This approach (often called shrink sleeves) can be particularly effective for limited edition releases or flagship brews that deserve extra emphasis.
  • Size Matters for Compliance and Clarity: When considering custom sizes and shapes, it’s essential to remember regulatory requirements for labeling alcoholic beverages. Every label must have space for mandatory information, including alcohol content, volume, and manufacturer details, without compromising readability​​. Balancing creative aspirations with these requirements is key to a successful label design.

Tips for Choosing the Right Label Size and Shape

  1. Start with Your Container: Measure your bottles or cans carefully, considering curves, necks, and any other features that might influence label adhesion and appearance.
  2. Reflect on Your Brand’s Personality: Let your label shape and size be an extension of your brand story. Are you bold and avant-garde, or classic and traditional? Your label can reflect this.
  3. Consult with Design and Printing Experts: Professionals in label design and printing can offer valuable insights into what works well for different types of beers and containers. They can also provide templates or guidelines to help visualize your ideas.
  4. Experiment with Mockups: Before finalizing your design, use digital or paper mock-ups to see how your label will look on the actual container. This step can help identify potential issues with size, shape, or legibility before you commit to printing.

Cost and Scalability

For breweries and craft beer makers, understanding the costs and scalability options of label printing is critical for both startup ventures and established brands. You’ll want to take into account factors such as minimum order quantities, volume discounts, the flexibility of printing across multiple SKUs, and the efficiency of re-ordering processes.

Understanding Pricing Models

Label printing costs can vary widely depending on several factors, including material choices, print techniques, label size and shape, and the complexity of the design.

Most providers use a pricing model that decreases the unit cost as the order quantity increases, rewarding larger orders with better per-label pricing. However, the starting point and scale of these price breaks can differ between providers, making it important to get detailed quotes for various order sizes​​.

Minimum Order Quantities and Volume Price Breaks

  • Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs): Many label printing companies set MOQs to ensure profitability. For craft breweries, especially those in the startup phase or with a rotating selection of small-batch brews, finding a provider with low MOQs can be crucial. Understanding a provider’s MOQs will help you determine if they’re a good fit for your production scale.
  • Volume Price Breaks: Volume discounts are a key consideration when planning your label orders. Providers typically offer price breaks at certain thresholds, which can significantly impact your cost per label. When comparing providers, ask for a detailed breakdown of pricing tiers to understand where these breaks occur and how they align with your anticipated order volumes.

Scalability and Flexibility for Multiple SKUs

Craft breweries often produce a wide range of beers, each requiring its own label design. Some key considerations include:

  • Flexibility Across SKUs: Look for providers that offer flexibility in aggregating different label designs to qualify for volume discounts. This can be particularly beneficial for breweries that want to print similar designs for multiple SKUs without the need to place large individual orders for each.
  • Digital Printing Advantages: Digital printing technology offers significant advantages in terms of scalability and flexibility. It allows for cost-effective short runs and easy updates to designs without the need for new plates or setup fees, making it an excellent option for breweries with a wide variety of labels​​.

Ease of Re-Ordering

The ability to quickly and easily reorder labels as needed is essential for maintaining inventory levels and responding to demand fluctuations. Consider providers that offer streamlined re-ordering processes, possibly through online platforms, which can save time and reduce the time to re-order.

Comparing Prices and Making Informed Decisions

When comparing label printing providers, consider the following steps to ensure you’re making an informed decision:

  1. Request Detailed Quotes: Obtain quotes for various order sizes, including the costs for different materials and print techniques. This information will help you understand the full scope of potential expenses.
  2. Evaluate Total Cost: Look beyond the sticker price to consider other factors like setup fees, design services, shipping costs, and lead times, which can all affect the total cost.
  3. Consider Long-Term Needs: Choose a provider that can scale with your brewery. A company that offers competitive pricing for small orders but also has the capacity to handle larger volumes efficiently can be a valuable partner as your business grows.

Turnaround Time and Reliability

For breweries and craft beer makers, timing can be everything. Whether you’re gearing up for a seasonal release, restocking a bestseller, or launching a new brew, the turnaround time for getting your labels can significantly impact your operations. You’ll want to consider everything from artwork approval to set up, printing, and shipping to help you plan effectively and avoid unexpected delays.

The Components of Turnaround Time

Turnaround time in label printing is influenced by several key stages, each contributing to the total time from placing your order to receiving your labels.

  1. Artwork Approval: The process begins with your design. Once you submit your artwork, the printing company will review it to ensure it meets technical requirements for printing. This stage includes checking the resolution, color specifications, and any potential issues that could affect print quality. Delays can occur if revisions are needed, so submitting artwork that already adheres to the provider’s guidelines can speed up this phase.
  2. Pre-Production and Setup: After artwork approval, the project moves into the pre-production stage. For traditional printing methods, this may involve creating plates or screens, which can slow down the process. Digital printing, on the other hand, typically requires less setup time, making it a faster option for smaller or more time-sensitive orders.
  3. Printing: The actual printing time varies depending on the complexity of your labels, the quantity ordered, and the printing technology used. Digital presses can produce labels relatively quickly, while traditional methods may take longer, especially for large volumes or intricate designs.
  4. Finishing and Quality Checks: Post-printing, labels undergo finishing processes such as cutting, laminating, and possibly applying adhesive. Quality assurance checks are also conducted to ensure the labels meet the brewery’s and the printer’s standards. This stage is crucial for delivering a high-quality product but can add time to the overall process.
  5. Shipping and Delivery: Finally, the completed labels are packed and shipped to your brewery. Shipping time depends on the distance between the printer and your location and the shipping method chosen. While expedited shipping options can reduce wait times, planning for standard shipping times in your overall timeline is wise.

Label printing employees

Tips for Optimizing Turnaround Time

  • Provide Ready-to-Print Artwork: Ensuring your designs meet the printer’s specifications from the start can significantly reduce delays during the artwork approval stage.
  • Communicate Your Timeline: Be upfront with your printing provider about your schedule. Some companies can accommodate rush orders, but clear communication is key to aligning expectations.
  • Consider Shipping Logistics: Factor in shipping time when planning your label order timeline, especially if you’re located far from the printer or if the labels are being shipped during busy seasons.

Questions to Ask Potential Beer Label Printing Providers

To ensure you partner with a label printer that meets your needs, here are some questions to guide your selection process, informed by insights from our own label experts.

1. What is your experience with craft beer labels?

Understanding the printer’s experience in the craft beer industry can give you insight into their familiarity with common challenges and specific requirements, such as resistance to moisture and cold, adherence to regulatory labeling standards, and the ability to produce high-quality, eye-catching labels.

2. Can you provide samples of your previous work?

Asking for samples allows you to assess the quality of the printer’s work firsthand. Look for clarity, color accuracy, material quality, and the overall finish. Samples can also inspire your own label designs and help you gauge the printer’s capabilities in delivering the visual impact you aim for.

3. What printing technologies do you use?

Inquire about the printing technologies available, such as digital, offset, or flexographic printing. Digital printing offers more flexibility, producing vibrant colors, detailed designs, and cost-effective short runs without the need for expensive setup fees, making it an ideal choice for breweries.

4. How do you ensure label durability and compliance?

Given the conditions beer bottles and cans must endure, from refrigeration to moisture exposure, it’s crucial to ask about the materials and finishes used to ensure label durability. Additionally, confirm that the printer is knowledgeable about the regulatory requirements for beer labeling to ensure compliance with legal standards.

5. What are your minimum order quantities and volume discounts?

This question is vital for budgeting and planning purposes. Understanding the minimum order requirements and how volume discounts are structured can help you optimize your orders for cost efficiency, especially important for smaller breweries or those with a wide variety of products.

6. How do you handle design and artwork preparation?

Some printers offer in-house design services or assistance in preparing your artwork for printing. Asking about these services can be particularly beneficial if you don’t have a dedicated designer on your team or if you need help ensuring your designs are optimized for printing.

7. What is your turnaround time, and how do you handle rush orders?

Knowing the expected turnaround time helps you plan your label ordering process in sync with your production schedule. It’s also wise to ask about the process for rush orders, should you need labels more quickly than anticipated.

8. Can you accommodate special requests or unique label features?

If you’re interested in unique label features, such as foil stamping, embossing, or using eco-friendly materials, ask if the printer can accommodate these requests. Special features can make your labels stand out but may require additional planning and cost.

Finding the Perfect Beer Label Printing Company

Finding the right custom label printing company for your craft beer involves more than just comparing prices and reviewing samples; it requires a deep dive into understanding each provider’s capabilities, technologies, and commitment to meeting your specific needs.

The right partner will offer the flexibility, expertise, and scalability your brewery needs. Make sure you carefully consider the factors we’ve discussed in this article—material options, cost and scalability, turnaround times, and asking the right questions—and you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision.

Pushing the Limit: What Can’t You Do with A Beer Label Design?

Brewers around the world are in a constant battle for people’s attention, whether their products end up on shelves, in coolers, or anywhere else that potential buyers may see their products. In a constant battle for attention, you may want to give your beer labels an extra edge to create a certain brand identity and attract consumers. However, that extra something in your design may be an issue when it comes to label approval.

Whether you’re trying to push some boundaries or simply be clever, your beer label design is ultimately judged by government. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has certain standards for what’s permissible on beer labels. As you may expect, there are a lot of practices that are prohibited for beer label design. The Code of Federal Regulations provides a very long, detailed list, so we’ll try and break down just what may land your design in hot water as succinctly as possible.

What Can’t You Put on a Beer Label?

When you’re trying to push the boundaries with your beer label, it’s important to make sure your design doesn’t conflict with any of the types of statements listed by the TTB. It’s important to note that “statements” applies to more than just text. Anything written, printed, graphic, or portrayed by some other means on a beer label, carton, or case is considered a statement of some sort. As such, any of the following types of statements can lead to the TTB denying your label design.

Untrue or misleading statements

Simply put, the TTB is going to turn you down if they think you’re lying on your label. The TTB considers a statement as untrue if it’s directly false, false by omission, generally ambiguous, or somehow misleading.

For example, a brewery positioning itself to be a microbrewery without meeting the legal definition of one can have its label denied for misleading consumers. Meanwhile, Kona Brewing Company was sued in California for misleading people to think that its beer was brewed in Hawaii. While Kona does use Hawaiian imagery and names, every label clearly states that the beer is not brewed on the island. Because of these statements, the TTB not find the labels misleading (although Kona did eventually agree to a settlement for the lawsuit).

Disparaging statements

While you may want to make a few snide comments about your competitors or some other person or entity, the TTB won’t let you make any statements they determine to be disparaging or hurtful. With that in mind, you may want to rename your batch of “At Least It’s Better Than [Blank] Schwarzbier.”

A Jackie O’s beer label featuring a likeness of a fictional person.

Obscenity or indecency

This section will likely be the biggest hurdle for any brewer trying to test some boundaries. According to the TTB, “any statement, design, device, or representation which is obscene or indecent” is prohibited. However, it’s not always clear what the TTB will consider off limits. This type of ruling is one of the hardest to judge because it depends on what a TTB representative finds obscene or indecent, not you or your customers.

Part of the issue with this type of prohibited statement is that various boards around the country have been inconsistent in past ruling. For example, The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board banned Founders Brewing Company’s Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale despite having already allowed the sale of Stone Brewing’s Arrogant Bastard Ale (the board eventually reversed its stance on Dirty Bastard after public outcry). As such, rulings on obscenity or indecency are up in the air, so be prepared to change your design or fight against the decision if your label might be construed as offensive in some way.

Improper guarantees or tests

Fortunately, guarantees are easier to identify than obscenity. Any element that provides some form of guarantee – aside from a money-back guarantee – is subject to denial if a TTB official finds that the guarantee may deceive consumers. The TTB will also deny any usage of analyses, standards, or tests that may mislead potential buyers. That means you can’t make a guarantee that your beer will provide short-term happiness, even if you did survey a small test group of patrons.

Names and likenesses

While you may have a great pun based on a celebrity’s names, that play on words can lead to a swift label denial (and potentially a cease and desist letter). The TTB bars the use of any names or likenesses of any prominent living individual or organization, which includes using any simulation or abbreviation to hint at the person or group. This practice is in place to prevent breweries from suggesting that certain people or organizations endorse a product.

For example, Hysteria Brewing Company in Maryland recently ran afoul of this section after using Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson’s likeness on a label after Jackson was named NFL MVP.

However, the TTB does provide some exceptions to this rule. Beer labels may use a person or organization’s name or likeness on a label if:

  • The individual or organization is engaged in the production of the beer (such as Rogue Ale’s Beard Beer).
  • A person of a trade or a brand name used the name of any living individual of public prominence, or existing private or public organization, in interest prior to Aug. 29, 1935.

Pretending to be a spirit instead of beer

Depending on your beer, you may want to utilize certain aspects of spirits on your beer label. However, it’s important not to make it seem like your beer is or contains a distilled spirit. Any statement or design element that suggests otherwise can lead to a label denial if the label does not make it clear that the beer is in fact just a beer. For example, a label that truthfully states that the beer was brewed in bourbon barrels is fine, but one that doesn’t contain any references to the product as a beer would is deemed as misleading.

Governmental connections and American insignias

You may want to show off that your beer is proud the be an American, but certain imagery or statements will lead to a quick denial by big brother. These infractions can come in a few forms:

  • The use of the American flag and any flags, seals, coats of arms, crests, and other insignia associated with the armed forces of the U.S.
  • The use of the word “bonded” and other variants that may imply governmental supervision over the production of the beer
  • The simulation or and other design made to resemble stamps for the U.S. or foreign governments

Health-related statements

It may seem funny to make a joke that a beer a day could keep the doctor away, but doing so on a label is a quick way toward having the TTB or some other board turn down your design. Using a health claim on a label is notoriously tricky regardless of product, so it’s best to avoid making any such statements if you’re hoping for label approval, even if that claim is made as a joke.

Shows of strength

Imagine that you brewed a lovely dark beer that clocks in at a relatively hefty ABV. You may want to present to potency of your porter by calling it “strong” on the label. Unfortunately, the TTB isn’t a fan of such language. Any words along the lines of “strong,” “high test,” “high proof,” or other statements that infer alcoholic strength is off limits on beer label unless such language is required by your state’s laws.

Numerals are also a potential pain point. While alcohol by volume statements may use digits, you can’t use numerals elsewhere on your label if it can be considered as a statement of alcoholic content.

A beer label design for Electric Brewing Co. with TTB approval.

What Happens if the TTB Denies Your Beer Label Design?

Let’s pretend that you came up with a great label design and submitted a Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) to the TTB, but the organization rejected your label. Not only is a rejection frustrating, it can also delay your plans since the TTB can take up to 90 days to process a label application. Some reasons for rejection will be easier to fix, such as removing untruthful statements or disallowed imagery. However, more subjective grounds for rejection like what is considered obscene is tricky.

If the TTB denies your application, you’ll either want to modify your design based on the group’s feedback or fight the ruling. One of the most prominent examples of such a fight was when the Michigan Liquor Control Commission found the name and label of Flying Dog Brewery’s Raging Bitch Belgian-Style IPA to be offensive. Flying Dog fought the ruling in various courts until the brewery came out victorious – in 2015 after a six-year battle.

Fortunately for Flying Dog, they had the means and determination to take that fight to court, but you may not want – or be able – to do the same. In that case, it’s better to regroup and think of an alternate solution. For example, Lagunitas Brewing Company made a beer called “The Kronik” that was initially approved in the state of California, but rejected when Lagunitas resubmitted the design in order to sell the beer in multiple states. Fed up with the agency’s inconsistency involving, Lagunitas renamed the beer “Censored” in protest.

Unfortunately, there isn’t always an exact answer as to what will or won’t be approved by the TTB. If you think there may be an issue, it’s always a good practice to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

My Label Got Approved – What Now?

First off, congratulations! Now that the TTB has signed off on your new label design, it’s time to make sure the finished product does your design justice. At Blue Label, we have the expertise and technology to provide the perfect labels for your beer cans or bottles. We’ll work with you on everything from identifying the right material for your performance needs to providing special printing capabilities that will highlight your design.

Ready to showcase your new beer label design? Contact us today to have us print quality beer labels for your brewery.

3 Key Considerations When Designing Labels for Bottlenecks

A good bottleneck label can help set your product head and shoulders above the competition. Like a good tie for a nice suit, a bottleneck label adds an intriguing element to the overall look of a bottle. As such, it’s important to devote enough time to designing these companion labels. Here are some key factors to consider when designing bottleneck labels.

Use Your Extra Space Wisely

Bottleneck labels provide you with a very important gift: more design space. Once you have more design space, you need to figure out what you want to do with that space to showcase your branding and attract consumers. You could use it to showcase your logo, add additional information that couldn’t quite fit on your main product label, or use it as a decorative seal for spirits and other classy products.

Want to add a show-stopping pop to your bottleneck? Hot foil stamping makes your logo stand out on the bottleneck in a whole new way, or simply mirror the design on your main product label. You can also opt for a new twist on your branding, such as an alternate logo or variable bottleneck labels catered to specific versions or flavors of your products.

When it comes to adding information, you can utilize the bottleneck to showcase certain messaging. Have a company motto, saying, or some other language to intrigue buyers? A bottleneck label is a perfect spot for these types of branding efforts. You can even use the extra space to make intriguing health claims for food or dietary supplements, as long as they comply with FDA guidelines.

You can also use the bottleneck as a place to include certain regulatory info to free up space on your body label. This is particularly useful for alcohol and other heavily regulated products, although you need to make sure you follow the rules for mandatory label information placement. Whether it’s decoration or compliance, bottlenecks give you the space you need to do what you want to showcase your bottled product.

A spirits bottle featuring a bottleneck label.

Taper Your Bottlenecks (if Necessary)

The shape of a bottle plays a major role in how you design a label. That same philosophy extends to bottleneck labels as well.

The neck and body of a bottle can have different shapes. For example, a standard beer bottle has a cylindrical body, but the neck has a slight taper to it. Other containers, such as spirits or wine bottles, may have cylindrical necks as well as bodies. As a result, you’ll need to measure both the body and the neck to see if you should taper one or both labels.

If the neck of your bottle is tapered, you’ll need to adjust your design. A standard label shape placed on a tapered container will look uneven and can cause the label itself to crease or bulge. The tapering process is a bit tricky, so we’ve provided guidelines on how to taper labels in another blog post for you, just in case.

Factor in Bottle Conditions

Sometimes designing labels is like picking out an outfit – a snazzy dress shirt with no jacket isn’t going to help if it rains. If you want that design to shine, you better consider potential environmental factors so that you can protect it from damage. Water resistance is one typical consideration for bottle labels, but everything from sunlight to scuffs and scratches pose future problems for all parts of your bottle.

Protective coatings like laminates and varnishes help shield your design from outside factors that will cause your labels to warp, scratch, or fall right off the bottle. This extra level of defense can help you ensure that your label design stays looking great. A varnish can double as a decorative effect as well. For example, a spot varnish can add a gloss sheen to a specific element of your design, helping your bottle neck label stand out even further.

A digital label printing expert looking over labels for bottles.

Find the Right Printing Company

A great label still needs a printing company that can do your design justice. Not only is it important to find a printer that has all the technical capabilities required to bring your design to life, it’s also key that this company works with you to identify any specific issues and potential solutions to make sure your labels both look great and perform as expected.

Blue Label is ready to work with you to print the perfect bottle labels for your products. Contact Blue Label today to talk to one of our experts about your next label project and how we can help.

Label Considerations for Bottling vs. Canning Craft Beer

Beer can’t make the important journey from your brewing facility to your consumers’ mouths without a container. Whether you decide to bottle or can your brews, you’re going to need a good beer label to showcase your product and stay in compliance with alcohol regulations. Of course, the style of the container you choose can impact a few of your labeling decisions.

Crowler Packaging: Guidelines and Rules to Know

Crowlers are great for several reasons. They’re extremely portable. They’re able to keep light out and help beer stay fresh for up to a month. They’re more convenient than lugging around a glass growler. In all, crowlers are a wonderful way to sell beverages in convenient 32 oz. containers—if they’re in accordance with the law, that is.

Like their glassy growler cousins, crowler packaging can run into some legal issues if you’re not careful. Consider the following legal guidelines for your custom crowler labels.

How Independent Brewers Can Stand Out Against Big Brands with Custom Beer Labels

With no signs of the beer market slowing down any time soon, shelf space continues to grow—along with the competition for consumers’ attention. While big beer brands spend millions on advertising each year to ensure that customers recognize their cans or bottles, independent brewers need to make an immediate, in-store impression. So how can independent brewers make their packaging stand out on the shelves? We’ve put together a few ideas.

What You Need to Consider When Investing in Keg Collars

A good keg collar can play several roles for your brewery. Not only is it a great way to share information, it also serves as a key compliance tool and a way to help sell more of your products. Of course, a poorly-made keg collar isn’t going to do your business any good. It’s important that you check off all the following criteria when you’re ready to order custom keg collars.

Growlers VS. Crowlers: What’s the Difference?

What is a growler? If you’re a beer aficionado, you’ve heard of the growler. Growlers are airtight glass, steel or ceramic jugs that provide patrons with a portable, refillable vessel that can be filled up with draft beer at your favorite craft brewery and taken on the go. As the name might suggest, growlers are quite large in size and can transport a lot of beer—64 ounces, to be exact, or a little more than five bottles of beer—while half growlers (called howlers) can hold a respectable 32 ounces. Some herald growlers and howlers as a more mobile flavor-keeping keg. Indeed, what a time to be alive!

So, what can make the new age of beer transport even better? In comes the crowler. But what is a crowler of beer? It’s the half growler’s aluminum twin. If you haven’t seen a 32-ounce crowler can of beer yet, you will – and you will love it. However, is one portable beer vessel a better option than the other? Both crowlers and growlers have their perks, so keep reading to find out which may be the better fit for your needs.
