New Tricks for an Old Material: The Ongoing Paper Label Trend for Wine Bottles

Even an old business can learn new tricks. Paper wine labels have been a staple in the industry since the Persian empire. While these labels were necessary for detailing the many varieties of wine available, modern wine labels have another major purpose: to attract buyers.

Paper labels have maintained a close connection to wine bottles for centuries, both literally and figuratively. While different label materials have their advantages, paper maintains a classic look and feel that’s tied to the long history of winemaking. Of course, as wine label packaging changes, so too must the humble paper label. Here are some ways that wineries are wowing customers through paper labels.

What Makes An Appealing Wine Label?

Many have heard the phrase, “people eat with their eyes.” But did you know that this theory could also be applied to shoppers browsing the wine aisle? Wine labels are an advertisement for shoppers. With hundreds of options in front of the consumer, it is crucial to have a label that stands out.

A custom wine label is a winery’s best selling tool. Our mission is to help you create an eye-catching and memorable wine label that will further your company’s success. Effective designs attain an understanding of the product, the company and the consumer. When designing your custom wine label, we believe the following three elements will help in producing a stunning label.
