What to Consider When Selecting a Pressure Sensitive Label Adhesive

A container and a label each play pivotal roles in selling your product, but the adhesive is literally the glue that holds it all together. However, there really isn’t one standard option. There are many different types of label adhesives, and each of them can offer certain advantages and drawbacks.

There are many different factors that can help you determine which type of adhesive would be best for your pressure sensitive labels, such as environmental and material concerns. Here are some things you should consider when choosing which adhesive would be best-suited for your label’s needs.

The Different Types of Pressure Sensitive Label Adhesives

When people think about labels, they often consider what goes on the front. A great label design is critical, but it won’t do much good without a good adhesive on the back.

Types of adhesives for pressure sensitive labels are generally soft, viscous substances that are sticky to the touch. As you’d expect, these adhesives are applied to a surface—in this instance, a label material (paper, polypropelene, vinyl, etc.)—which will then adhere to the surface after pressure is applied, causing the label to stick to its intended container.

There are a variety of factors that can differentiate label adhesives. These include what it’s made of, how it’s applied, and if it’s permanent or removable.

Five Common Label Mistakes

Label design isn’t easy. There’s no question about it, some projects are more complex than others, but every project is complex and requires attention to detail. A reliable and experienced printer will definitely reduce the likelihood of making a mistake, but even the best printer can’t spot every mistake. We’ve compiled a list of five common label mistakes, what causes them, and how they can be prevented. Hopefully this makes your life a little easier.


Selecting a Substrate

Selecting a substrate (or face stock) for your product label may not be as simple as you think. There are thousands of combinations of face stocks and adhesives out there and choosing the right one could be critical to your label’s performance. Here are a few things you need to consider before ordering your labels: application, performance, aesthetic and cost. Listed below are some questions that should help you decide what substrate you need to get the most out of your label. (more…)