Toppling Goliath is a craft brewery based in Decorah, Iowa. As they put it, they’re a ‘stealth brewery, flying fast, under the radar’ that produces ‘big beers brewed in small batches’. When Blue Label met Toppling Goliath, they were producing batches of delicious beer, with a need for beer labels that matched the outstanding taste of their products. Growing fast, they needed a printer that could proof new designs and print them faster than the beer could ferment. Toppling Goliath attempts to bottle, label, and sell within 24 hours, and needed a printer that could maintain that break-neck speed.

Blue Label knows that beer waits on no man, and certainly won’t wait on a shipment of labels. Working together, we email and overnight proofs, get them quickly approved, printed, packed, and shipped, all in a couple of days. In addition to on demand printing, Blue Label was able to recommend a new substrate that helped the exceptional graphic design of the label stand out on the shelf. Toppling Goliath is growing as fast as ever, with new brews released every month. We keep up with the master brewer, printing beautifully designed labels at the speed of yeast.