3 Ways to Make Consumers Notice Your Kombucha Labels

More people are looking to buy kombucha every day. Of course, this also means that more businesses want to make their own mark in the kombucha market. In a crowded field, product packaging can be the difference between success and a lack of sales. Here are three kombucha label trends that you can use to promote your products.

Show Off Your Colors (Both Inside and Out)

The natural aspect of kombucha is a major selling point, so don’t be afraid to channel that connection with your product labels. Utilize colors that not only pop, but also mirror the natural side of your kombucha. Full color label printing can help you achieve lush greens, vivacious reds, and other vibrant colors can help attract attention and promote your product at the same time.

The colors on your labels aren’t the only ones that can attract consumers. Clear kombucha labels allow you to show off the contents of your container to the world. Not only can the natural color of your kombucha intrigue consumers, people who like to see what they buy will also enjoy your transparency.

A closeup on a colorful kombucha label.

Showcase the Natural, Healthy Side of Kombucha

A big reason why people choose to buy kombucha is because it’s a better alternative to sugary, unhealthy beverages. Why not reinforce that perception on your label? Be open and honest about everything that goes into your product, especially if you source all-natural ingredients. If you want to be extremely transparent about your kombucha, you can even list the ingredients on the front. You’ll have to include them on the back anyway, so you can help build trust with ingredient-conscious customers by making the contents of your container a main selling point.

Another way kombucha can stand out is through the organic seal. According to Lumina Intelligence, half the kombucha products sold in the U.S. are organic. If that applies to your kombucha, make sure to add the organic seal to your labels. As long as you meet all the requirements for organic labels, that seal can serve as another reason why consumers will choose your products instead of the competition.

There are also other signifiers that can help you promote a healthier product on your label. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) aren’t as strict about companies labeling their products as “natural,” but the word can still help you build that image for your product. You can also include specific health claims on your label if your kombucha qualifies for them via the FDA’s Food Labeling Guide.

An assortment of kombucha labels that show off the contents of their containers.

Use Your Label to Tell a Story

People want to relate to the products they purchase, and storytelling is a good way to help companies create a connection with consumers. According to an exercise conducted by authors Chip and Dan Heath, a group of Stanford University students shared stories that contained different facts to see what information people would retain. Five percent of students remembered specific statistics, while 63 percent remembered the stories the students told.

You don’t need to take up a lot of real estate on your labels to share your story. You can share a short origin story about your business next to the information panel. Is your kombucha part of a family-owned business? Let your consumers know. Have a funny story about how you started making your kombucha? Share it with the world. Storytelling can range from a simple, short sentence to a complex augmented reality labels, so don’t be afraid to use your packaging to promote your story.

Work with the Right Printer to Give Your Kombucha an Edge

A good label design plays a crucial part in selling your product, which is why it’s important to find a label printing company that can do your design justice. Blue Label Packaging Company has the state-of-the-art equipment and experience to make your products stand out among the competition. Contact Blue Label today to talk to our experts about your kombucha labels.

3 Tips for Designing Natural-Looking Labels for Eco-Friendly Products

Eco-friendly products are making a splash in the market. According to Unilever, a third of consumers choose to purchase goods from brands that are involved in positive social and environmental change. A good green product label plays a role in making sure that the brand captures that eco-friendly look. Here are some things to consider when designing an eco-friendly product label that looks as natural as the products it contains.

Key Compliance Considerations You Need to Know for Your Kombucha Labels

Once an underground sensation, kombucha is becoming big business. According to The Specialty Food Association, the kombucha market had $1.5 billion in sales in 2017 and is expected to grow 23 percent over the next five years. However, the growing kombucha market is drawing attention from more than just thirsty customers, which makes proper packaging even more important than before.

A kombucha label is more than just a way to brand your products. It also serves as a compliance tool to ensure that your products are labelled in accordance to any government regulations. Here are the kombucha basics and some important areas that can directly impact labels for kombucha.

Organic Food Label Regulations and Labeling Requirements

The line between what food is considered organic vs. nonorganic can be a tricky one. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (USDA) has a strict set of standards for ingredients to qualify as organic, but the regulations don’t stop with the product.

Organic food labels are also judged by special regulations before they can wear the USDA organic seal. While general food and beverage labels must comply with the laws set by the USDA, any label with the term “organic” must also comply with the standards and regulations of the National Organic Program (NOP). NOP, which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), sets some clear standards for which products can use the term “organic.”

Organic Labeling Regulations

Based on NOP, there are multiple levels of organic products depending on how much of a product is comprised of organic ingredients. If you are a farmer or food manufacturer, it’s important that you understand these organic labeling requirements so you can label your product properly.

A digital label printing company making custom labels for organic beverages.

100 percent organic

If a label says that a product is made of 100 percent organically produced ingredients (excluding salt and water, which are considered natural), it means everything must follow organic standards. Most raw, unprocessed farm products can be labeled as “100 percent organic” as well as value-added farm products like grain flours and rolled oats.

If the product is certified as 100 percent organic, the label may include the USDA organic seal, which can be downloaded from the USDA site. In addition, all organic ingredients must be marked with an asterisk in the information panel.


If your product is nearly 100 percent organic, but just misses the mark, you may still be in luck. NOP allows products to identify as organic if they are made of at least 95 percent organic ingredients (excluding salt and water). This means that up to 5 percent of your product’s ingredients may be nonorganic if they’re agricultural products that aren’t commercially available as organic and/or products on the Substances. Like 100 percent organic products, these labels may also use the USDA organic seal and must mark organic ingredients with an asterisk.

Made with organic ingredients

If a product is at least 70 percent organic, NOP does allow the label to read “made with organic _______” with up to three ingredients or ingredient categories at the end. However, it cannot state “made with organic ingredients” in general. The label must still mark the organic ingredients with an asterisk, but it can’t include the USDA organic seal.

Specific organic ingredients (Less than 70%)

If a product contains less than 70 percent organic ingredients, it cannot make any claims on the label about being organic. The only instance where the word organic may be used is in the ingredient statement (e.g., organic lemon).

Organic Label

USDA Certification

No matter which specification level your product falls under, your products must be certified by the USDA before they can claim to be organic. To become certified, the farm or business must adopt organic practices and submit both an application and fee to a USDA-accredited certifying agent.

These can be found through the USDA’s organic certifier locator. The agent will review to see if your practices comply with USDA organic regulations. In addition, an inspector will conduct an on-site inspection of your operation. After the inspection is done, a review should be completed within three months.

If the certifying agent and inspector both determine that you follow USDA organic regulations, you will receive organic certification. You may then label your product—or the ingredients contained in your product—as organic. If you aren’t certified, you can face a fine of up to $11,000 per violation for labeling a product as “organic” without meeting USDA standards.

There is an exception for certification. Any operations “whose gross income from organic sales totals $5,000 or less” are not required to become certified by an accredited agent before selling organic products. However, you still must comply with NOP’s production and labeling requirements to label products as any level of organic. You may also want to determine if your product meets the FDA guidelines for using “natural” on your food label.

Digital printing company expert preparing labels for organic products.

Fair Trade Certification

Fair Trade certification ensures that products are made according to rigorous fair trade standards, promoting equitable trading conditions, fair wages, and sustainable livelihoods for farmers and workers. This certification also emphasizes environmental sustainability. Including Fair Trade certification on your organic product labels can boost marketability and consumer trust.

What Manufacturers Need to Know to Comply with Fair Trade Standards

To comply with fair trade standards and include Fair Trade certification on your labels, you need to be aware of the following:

  • Certifying Bodies: Fair Trade certifications are provided by various organizations, such as Fair Trade USA, Fairtrade International, and Fair for Life. Each certification body has specific criteria and standards.
  • Compliance Requirements: Adherence to fair wages, safe working conditions, and environmentally friendly practices is essential. Regular audits and thorough documentation of supply chain practices are required to maintain certification.
  • Labeling Guidelines: Products that meet Fair Trade standards are eligible to display the Fair Trade seal. This seal should be used in accordance with the guidelines set by the certifying body.

Requirements for Fair Trade Labels

Manufacturers looking to include Fair Trade certification on their organic product labels must ensure the following:

  • Certification Body Approval: Ensure that your products are certified by a recognized fair trade certification body. This involves meeting all the standards and passing the required audits.
  • Fair Trade Seal: Use the Fair Trade seal correctly. The seal should be placed prominently on the product label to signal compliance with fair trade standards.
  • Clear Representation: If combining Fair Trade and organic certifications, ensure that both certifications are clearly represented on the label without causing confusion.
  • Documentation and Transparency: Maintain comprehensive documentation of your supply chain to demonstrate compliance with fair trade standards. This includes records of fair wages, working conditions, and environmentally friendly practices.

Organic Infused Juice

Canada Organic Regime (COR) Certification

Canadian manufacturers and those selling in Canada need to adhere to the Canada Organic Regime (COR) for labeling organic products. The COR applies to both domestically produced and imported organic products sold in Canada.

To be certified, products must comply with standards that include:

  • Restriction of certain synthetic fertilizers
  • Limitation of non-organic ingredients to less than 5%

Certified products must display the COR seal, indicating adherence to these standards. Labels also need to include the name of the certification body.

The certification program ensures that all organic claims are verified and enhances consumer trust and product marketability.

What about Pesticides?

While mentioning chemical pesticides on labels is not typically required by governing bodies like the USDA, voluntarily providing information about pesticide use or the absence of pesticide residues can offer some benefits.

Including statements such as “No synthetic pesticides used” or “Pesticide-free” can build consumer trust by transparently addressing questions or concerns about pesticide usage. This transparency can differentiate products in a competitive market, appealing to consumers who prioritize health and environmental safety.

How to Include Pesticide Information:

  • Label Statements like “No synthetic pesticides used” and “Pesticide-free”
  • Ingredient Panels that detail the types of natural pesticides used, if any
  • QR Codes that link to detailed farming practice information on the company’s website

Investing in Quality Organic Food Labels

Adhering to organic regulations can be tough, but it can be well worth it when the organic food and beverage market is expected to surpass $320 billion by 2025. However, a competitive market calls for more than labels that simply follow regulations. Your organic food labels are a chance to make your products stand out from the competition.

To appeal to health-conscious consumers, you need specialty food labels that represent your brand. It’s also important to consider using environmentally friendly materials that align with your product.

Materials for Organic Labels

Choosing sustainable label materials to pair with your product is important for maintaining the integrity and overall sustainability of organic products. Eco-friendly product labels made from organic materials not only reduce environmental impact but also align with the product and brand’s values. Here are some options:

  • Recycled Paper Labels: Made from post-consumer waste, these labels reduce the need for virgin paper production and come in various finishes.
  • Biodegradable and Compostable Labels: Composed of PLA (polylactic acid) from cornstarch, these labels decompose completely in composting conditions, minimizing landfill waste.
  • FSC-Certified Paper: Sourced from responsibly managed forests, this paper ensures sustainable forestry practices and conservation efforts.
  • Vellum Paper: Made from cellulose fibers, this biodegradable paper is sourced from sustainably managed forests.

As a full-service digital printing company, Blue Label gives you access to top-tier printing technology, even if you don’t want to order a huge run of labels. If you need a great design, our designer directory can help you find some talented professionals who can help you tell the story of your product. Once you have an approved label design, we can work with you to print organic food labels that are deserving of the products you sell.

Contact us today to learn more about our special printing techniques and how we can help you with your organic food labeling project.